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Organic Fertilizer for Healthy Agriculture

Humic Substance Based Organic Soil Conditioner

The use of humic acids is economically and ecologically convincing in several ways. Would you like to discover what they can do for you?

Leonardite Granule


Leonardite, by its very nature, is a sustainable and efficient raw material used in many sectors and industries, formed by the decomposition of lignite deposits.

Unlike normal soft lignite, Leonardite has a higher degree of oxidation and therefore contains a higher proportion of humic acids and bioactive carboxyl groups.

The best source of Leonardite is the sedimentary soft lignite layers near the surface, which contain very high concentrations of humic acids.

Leonardite is organic matter that has not reached the coal state. It differs from soft brown coal by its high degree of oxidation as well as its high content of humic acid carboxyl groups. 


Humic substance 

Humic matter is formed through chemical and biological humification of plant and animal matter and biological activities of microorganisms


Humic acids and their sources

Humic substances can be found in all soils and waters and arise from plant decomposition products. They are separated by extraction in humumin, humic acid and fulvic acid. Their salts are called humates and fulvates. Humic acid as the main fraction forms the biological center of humus. A fertile soil contains a maximum of 3% humic acid and peat about 3-10%. In a certain layer of soft lignite coal that has not yet reached the lignite stage, humic acid can be found in concentrations of up to 85%. This soft brown coal layer is internationally known as Leonardite. Leonardite differs from soft brown coal by its higher degree of oxidation and higher humic acid content. Since the discovery of the high humic acid content in Leonardite, commercial production for agriculture has greatly increased. 


Compared to other organic products, Leonardite is rich in humic acids. Leonardite is the end product of a humification process that takes 70 million years, while peat, for example, takes only a few thousand years to form.

Leonardite and other humic acid sources therefore differ in molecular structure, which sheds light on the highly bioactive properties of Leonardite. This biological activity is about five times stronger than that of other humic substances. One kilogram of Leonardite corresponds to about five kilograms of other organic humic acid sources.


Leonardite acts as a conditioner for the soil and as a biocatalyst and biostimulant for the plant (picture 1.10). Compared to other organic products, leonardite especially improves plant growth (biomass production) and soil fertility.

Another advantage of Leonardite is its long-term effectiveness as it is consumed as quickly as animal manure, compost or peat. As Leonardite is a decomposition product, it does not compete with plants for nutrients such as nitrogen. This is not the case with incompletely decomposed compost, where organic matter in the soil is rapidly consumed by microorganisms and mineralized without any humus formation.

Our Leonardite-based products improve soil structure for up to five years.

Humic Acid


Current scientific studies show that soil fertility is largely determined by the humic acid content. High cation exchange capacity (CEC), oxygen content and above average water holding capacity are the reasons for the high value of using humic acids to improve soil fertility and plant growth.

The most important property of humic acids is their ability to bind insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydroxides and to slowly and continuously deliver them to plants when needed. Due to these properties, humic acids are known to produce three types of effects: physical, chemical and biological.

Physical Benefits:

Humic acids physically change the structure of the soil. They

  • Improve soil structure: Prevent high water and nutrient losses in light, sandy soils. They are also transformed into fertile soils through decomposition. In heavy and compact soils, soil aeration and water retention are improved; cultivation measures are facilitated. 

  • Prevent soil cracking, surface water runoff and soil erosion by increasing the ability of colloids to coalesce.

  • Helps loosening and crumbling of the soil and thus improves soil aeration and soil workability.

  • Increases the water holding capacity of the soil and thus provides drought resistance.

  • Helps to absorb solar energy by darkening the color of the soil.


Chemical Benefits:
  • Humic acids chemically modify the fixing properties of soil. They are

  • neutralize both acid and alkaline soils; regulate the pH value of the soil.

  • Improve and optimize nutrient and water uptake by plants. 

  • Increase the buffering properties of the soil.

  • Under alkaline conditions, it acts as a natural chelator for metal ions and promotes their uptake by the roots.

  • Rich in organic and mineral substances essential for plant growth.

  • retains water-soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduces their leaching.

  • have extremely high cation exchange capacities.

  • They are rich in nutrients (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other trace elements)
    promotes its conversion into forms that plants can use.

  • Increases the uptake of nitrogen by plants.

  • Reduces the reaction of phosphorus (Ca, Fe, Mg and Al) and converts it into a usable and useful form for plants. The yield of mineral fertilizers in particular increases significantly.

  • It releases carbon dioxide from calcium carbonate in the soil and makes it available for photosynthesis.

  • It helps to eliminate chlorosis caused by iron deficiency in plants.

  • Reduces the availability of toxic substances in the soil.

Biological Benefits:

Humic acids biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of microorganisms. They are


  • Stimulates plant enzymes and increases their production.

  • It acts as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.

  • Stimulates the growth and reproduction of desirable microorganisms in the soil.

  • It increases the natural resistance of plants against diseases and pests.

  • Stimulates root growth, especially in the vertical direction, and promotes better nutrient uptake. Increased root respiration and root formation.

  • Promotes the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and supports photosynthesis. Increase the vitamin and mineral content of plants.

  • Thickens the cell walls of fruits and prolongs storage and shelf life.

  • Increase germination and viability of seeds.

  • Stimulates plant growth by accelerating cell division (higher biomass production), increasing the rate of formation of root systems, resulting in higher dry matter yields.

  • Improve crop quality, physical appearance and nutritional value.​

Effect on soils

Compacted Clay Soils

Humic acids aerate compacted soils and improve their structure. This allows water, nutrients, and roots to penetrate the soil more easily.

Light Sandy Soils

In sandy soils that are poor in humus, humic acids coat the sand particles, enhance the cation exchange capacity (CEC), and improve the soil's ability to retain nutrients and water. Therefore, nutrients (especially nitrate) remain available to plants.

Saline Soils

Salts are divided due to the high cation exchange capacity (CEC) of humic acids. Cations (e.g., Ca and Mg) are bound and chelated. The high osmotic pressure in the root zone is reduced.

Acidic Soils

Due to their high buffering capacity, humic acids neutralize acidic soils, eliminating the acid that causes stress in plant roots. Harmful elements to plants, especially aluminum and heavy metals, are tightly bound and immobilized by humic acids. Thus, their toxicity is reduced, and the phosphate bound by aluminum is released.

Alkaline Soils

As a result of the high pH value in alkaline soils, many essential nutrients and trace elements are not available in a form accessible to plants. Humic acids buffer the high pH and convert nutrients and trace elements into a form that can be taken up by plants through complexation. Phosphate bound by calcium becomes soluble again and available for use.

Root Effect in Acidic and Alkaline Soils
Eroded Soils

The addition of humic acids allows the accumulation of organic matter in the topsoil. Erosion is effectively reduced through the stabilization of clay-humus complexes and the formation of a dense root system.

Dry Soils

Humic acids increase the soil's water retention capacity. Thus, water is provided to plants even during dry periods, preventing stress conditions caused by drought in plants and reducing the wastage of valuable water.

Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fungicide Loaded Soils

Humic acids enhance the effectiveness of pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides and immobilize their harmful residues.


Ecological Benefits of Humic Acids

Humic acids offer a wide range of ecological benefits. In addition to protecting the environment, they provide profitable and effective solutions to environmental problems.

Nitrate Leaching and Nutrient Efficiency

First and foremost, soils with a high humic acid content guarantee low nitrate leaching and optimal nutrient efficiency. A well-developed root system achieved through high humic acid content prevents nitrates and pesticides from seeping into groundwater. Moreover, low nitrate content is an indicator and prerequisite for proper organic farming.

Many growers often use more fertilizer than the plants can absorb, leading to nitrate concentrations in the soil that subsequently appear in groundwater. As a result, this contaminated water can only be treated through complex and expensive wastewater treatment processes.

Important: Instead of merely addressing the symptoms (water pollution), it is essential to tackle the root causes (nitrate leaching).

Mitigating Soil Salinization

Secondly, humic acids reduce the problem of excessive salinization when applying water-soluble mineral fertilizers. Humic

acids can decrease the high salt content in the soil and, consequently, the resulting toxicity. The NH4 toxicity from fertilizers containing ammonia is reduced, which is especially important for young plants.

Humic acids generally mitigate root burn caused by excessive salt concentrations in the soil following fertilization; they also reduce salt levels in cases where the soil consistently has high salt content. Furthermore, when humic acids are mixed with liquid fertilizers, unwanted odors are diminished.

Combating Soil Erosion

Thirdly, humic acids are an effective tool in combating soil erosion. This is achieved by enhancing the aggregation ability of soil colloids and increasing root system and plant development.

Certification for Organic Farming

Leonardite and humate-based products are certified for organic farming by renowned agricultural organizations and institutions worldwide.


Chelation and Nutrient Optimization

Humic acids chelate nutrient compounds, especially iron, to convert them into a form suitable for plant use, thereby optimizing the nutrient supply for plants. Regular application of high-quality humic acids can lead to significant benefits, including up to a 30% reduction in the use of fertilizers and pesticides, up to a 70% increase in yield, and better and healthier growth of green lawns, ornamental plants, agricultural products, and trees.

Water Retention and Economic Benefits

Additionally, humic acids significantly enhance the soil's water retention capacity, which means water usage can be substantially reduced. The best economic results can be achieved in humus-poor, light, and sandy soils, as well as in reclamation areas.

Importance in Dry and Hot Regions

The various positive effects of humic acids need to be particularly observed in these types of soils. This is applicable to almost all soils in dry and hot regions. Due to the high rate of mineralization of organic matter, providing these soils with stable humic acids is essential for maintaining and improving soil fertility.



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A natural way to clean pollutants



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