Klasser maintains its protection level with high standards of activities in the field of mining. Solutions for the country's economy by discovering Turkey's underground riches in the fastest and most efficient way are among the analytical targets.
The mining sector deals with the extraction, processing and bringing to the economy of underground natural resources. This sector operates in a wide range from metallic and non-metallic minerals to energy resources. It provides critical raw materials for mining, industry, energy, construction and many other sectors. In this article, the general definition of the mining industry, its main areas of activity, areas of use, challenges encountered and future trends will be detailed.
Fields of Activity
Search and Discovery
Geological Research: Geological and geophysical research carried out to find minerals and mineral deposits.
Drilling: Drilling potential mining sites and taking and analyzing samples.
Reserve Calculation: Determining the quantity and quality of mineral deposits found.
Mining and Production
Open Pit Mining: Open pit mining for the extraction of minerals close to the surface.
Underground Mining: Underground mining for the extraction of minerals below the surface.
Blasting: The use of controlled explosives to break up hard rocks.
Ore Enrichment and Processing
Crushing and Grinding: Physical breaking and grinding of mined ores.
Separation and Enrichment: Separation and enrichment of valuable minerals from the ore.
Chemical Processing: Purification of ores by chemical processes and conversion into metallic forms.
Waste Management and Environmental Protection
Waste Management: Management of waste generated during mining and processing processes.
Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluating and minimizing the environmental impacts of mining activities.
Rehabilitation: Returning and rehabilitating mining sites that have expired to their natural state.
Logistics and Distribution
Transportation: Transportation of mineral products from the place of extraction to the processing facilities and then to the markets.
Storage: Storage of mineral products in safe and appropriate conditions.
Marketing and Sales: Marketing and sales of produced minerals and derivative products.