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It is a high quality plant stimulant and soil conditioner and can be applied in landscaping, gardening and all agricultural and garden plants. It can also promote seed germination. With its high humic acid concentration, it can be easily stored and transported. Its solubility is excellent and it can be formulated with different fertilizers and pesticides.
Foliar Application:
Promote plant growth (increased biomass production)
Increase yield and improve the quality of plants
Improve nutrient uptake from leaves and roots
Increasing the effectiveness of pesticides
Soil Application:
Improve soil structure
Reduce nutrient losses
Improve nutrient uptake by the root system
Promote root development
Increase the microbiological activity of the soil
Increase water retention and cation exchange capacities
Can be mixed with most nutrient solutions and pesticides. However, do a miscibility test before first application.

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